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Kunjungi Batam88


sumber :


The key to finger math is understanding how to count. The right hand stands for the values zero through nine. Each digit counts as one, and the thumb counts as five. Here's an illustration:
As you can see, digits 0 through four are pretty self explanatory. The thumb counts as five, so here's how to represent five through nine:
The left hand represents multiples of ten, with the right thumb representing 50. Here's how the left hand works:

Counting practice

Below is a place to practice your counting techniques. You can use it in a number of ways. Press the add 1, add 10, subtract 1, and subtract 10 buttons to see the various combinations. You can also enter in any two-digit value into the text box, hit the tab key, and the fingers will show that combination.
left (tens)right (ones)
Note that I showed the fingers either fully extended or completely hidden. Usually, finger counting is done against a table or other surface, and the finger is pressed against the surface to indicate it is 'on', or lifted to indicate 'off.' I have chosen this other representation just because it is more clear than looking carefully at pictures to determine if the fingers are touching the surface or not.

Streaming media lessons

These files are experiments in SMIL programming. The files all require real player, which you can download for free from

  • Untuk Tekhnik Dasar Jarimatika Mungkin Rumus Dibawah Ini Bisa Membantu

    Teknik Jarimatika

    1)Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan
     Tangan Kanan sebagai satuan dan tangan kiri sebagai puluhan.
     Tangan Kanan:
     - Telunjuk dibuka = 1
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah) dibuka = 2
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari manis) dibuka = 3
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari manis + Kelingking) dibuka = 4
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari manis + Kelingking) ditutup + Jempol dibuka = 5
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk) dibuka = 6
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk + Jari Tengah) dibuka = 7
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari Manis) dibuka = 8
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari Manis + Kelingking) dibuka = 9
     Tangan Kiri:
     - Telunjuk dibuka = 10
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah) dibuka = 20
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari manis) dibuka = 30
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari manis + Kelingking) dibuka = 40
     - (Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari manis + Kelingking) ditutup + Jempol dibuka = 50
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk) dibuka = 60
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk + Jari Tengah) dibuka = 70
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari Manis) dibuka = 80
     - (Jempol + Telunjuk + Jari Tengah + Jari Manis + Kelingking) dibuka = 90
    Kalau mau download boleh tapi nanti dibukanya di Open Office
    Penggunaan metode :
    Dibandingkan dengan metode lain, metode “Jarimatika” lebih menekankan
    pada penguasaan konsep terlebih dahulu baru ke cara cepatnya, 
    sehingga anak-anak menguasai ilmu secara matang. 
    Selain itu metode ini disampaikan secara fun, 
    sehingga anak-anak akan merasa senang dan gampang bagaikan “tamasya belajar”.